Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Can you write a best seller in 90 days?

Well... can you?

Of course you can, if you're Stephen King, James Patterson or Nicholas Sparks. But remember, they have a staff, millions of dollars and nothing to do but write as much as they want.

It took Margaret Mithcell 10 years to write, "Gone With The Wind." A year for Harper Lee to write, "To Kill A Mockingbird," and six months for Nicholas Sparks to write, "The Notebook." So time is irrelevant, a good story is just that. The nitty gritty is if you have the ideas and they are all mapped out, it can seem like your manuscript is writing itself. The most important thing is to not rush it. Let the creative practice flow and your story work its magic.

Just as an FYI and maybe a goal to reach - on average, writers write around 2,000 words a day, or whenever they sit down to write. Our suggestion . . . write what makes you feel productive. Write what makes you feel good about your writing day, and most of all, don't rush it. Put out a good, quality story that you can be proud of.

And once you're finished - contact Breaking Rules Publishing so that we can help you with the publishing process.



Just a few options on our website.

A Kris Medford Mystery - The Two Sides Of The Same Face
By Arthur Padilla
Kris Medford arrives in Santa Fe, New Mexico shortly after she agrees to take a job running a small family foundation. She finds herself quickly embroiled in a situation where a mysterious man is coming for her and is intent on finding the answers he has been paid to get. Without a real plan or any real understanding of how she finds herself on the gun end of a sinister character, Kris comes face to face with Brian Fielding. When she is actually confronted and captured by Brian she explodes and her real potential is both frightening and revealing. Her actions and the confusion she causes put Kris on the radar of a silent group of underworld "do-gooders." This group of women actively identifies and recruits women, worldwide, who present with certain gifts and they want Kris for reason Kris would not even understand. In the end, what seems like mishap and circumstance, results in the larger understanding that Kris and all the women involved have been intentionally manipulated to be part of this group. Kris finds her power, her strength, and her capacity as she confronts her nemesis in Brian, while wrestling her own internal demons. 
The Kindle link is listed below - simply cut and paste the link to your browser.

K.C. Brinson - J.D. Norton Chronicles

The year is 2040 and the planet is in dire straits. All of the world's nations have joined together to form into one world order. Three people in the World Organization hold absolute power, while corruption has brought humanity to the brink of destruction. 
It will take a group of three of history's most brilliant minds accompanied by the leader of the Resistors, an underground Junkpunk civilization. The Resistors have survived persecution and now have a mission to reclaim their rightful place among civilization while saving humanity and the world in the process.
Join Lucille Calhoun, Lady Renee Grey, and J.D. Norton in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy adventure of time travel and World Order conspiracies. While working with the cooperation of the Gods of the Galaxy, they also find themselves working in subterfuge under the radar of the Gods in order to root out an evil entity in their midst. 
The Kindle link is listed below - simply cut and paste the link to your browser.

Cynthia Martinez - Midnight Horror Tales

Short Stories -
Don't close your eyes, better yet, don't fall asleep! The tales in this book are no ordinary bed time stories. 
(Warning Reader May Experience The Following: Sweat, Fear, Paranoia, Shakes Insomnia, or hallucinations.)
These stories should not be read alone!
The Reader has been WARNED!
The Kindle link is listed below - simply cut and paste it into your browser or search on Kindle.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

It is never as easy as you think!

Are you writing a book? The task can be a bit overwhelming for sure.

With the task of writing between 16,000 and 100,000 words ahead of you, depending on the genre of your novel, the big question is - where do you start? You will no doubt go through many highs and lows, excitement and self-doubt. You’ve heard many writers say that they have no choice but to write as they are compelled to do so by their passion for storytelling. If you have a story to tell then you are ready for the challenge and the sense of achievement at the end is worth every moment. Let us look at what you can expect to encounter while writing your book and what you can do to make the experience more enjoyable.
Staring at a blank page is the fear of 
almost every writer. It is something every artist experiences whether you are a writer, artist or musician. There are likely to be one of two reasons why you cannot make a start writing something on the page. The first is because you do not have enough of a story idea to make a start. This is overcome by planning your novel before you start writing.

The second is that you are paralyzed by fear. The pressure of ‘getting it right’ or ‘will it be good enough’ can stop many writers in their tracks. Sadly, many writers never start their novels for this very reason. The reality is that your novel (or at least its first draft) is not going to be perfect.
Some of the most successful authors in the world will write multiple outlines and drafts of their novel as well as extensive editing along the way. The bottom line is that if you want to be a writer then simply start writing. Do not worry about it being perfect. Instead, think of it as getting your story onto the page as a starting point. Another thing to consider is that writing is a process of revision and elimination. My advice is to write first and do any revisions or editing afterward.
Helpful Exercises
Here are two exercises that might help you:

1) Freewriting – Choose a topic and then set a timer for ten minutes. Your exercise is to keep writing for ten minutes, or whatever time you choose, without stopping. Keep going, even if you cannot think of anything relevant to write. Just write things like ‘I cannot think. My mind has gone blank’ or whatever comes to your mind at the time. This is a great exercise for first-time writers as it encourages you to let go of any self-doubt and enjoy writing.

2) Your ideal reader – Choose a topic and imagine your ideal reader is sitting opposite you. It could be someone you have a close emotional connection to or it could be someone imaginary. If you do not keep them captivated with your storytelling, they are going to get up and walk away. Your exercise is to tell them your story and get to the end without them leaving. Of course, you could do this with a real person but that might be a little too much pressure.

The main point of all this is – if you really want to write a book we suggest that you

Read other writers stories or books – then write your story

Next –

Read other writers stories or books – then write your story

Finally –

Read other writers stories or books – then write your story.

And then once you're ready - contact Breaking Rules Publishing for some help publishing your book. 


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Open For Business

The idea is that you sit down, put your heart and thoughts on paper, putting pen to paper as it were. You pour out all of your emotions, dreams, and nightmares There are some that say if you want to be a writer, just sit down at your typewriter/computer and bleed. Which in fact, is true.   

What this statement doesn’t tell you is that once you write your manuscript, find a publisher to produce your book, play the waiting game until you have that amazing piece of great literature in your wanting hands. It doesn’t tell you that once this is all said and done. What comes next?

Well my friend, one this is all set in place, you’re now… Open For Business!

Did you want to open your own business or did you just think you would write a book and call it good? Sitting back and letting your publisher make you a millionaire. The reality is – most publishers will create your book and then plop it in your lap and say – “Well, there you go, good luck!”

Backtracking a bit – Breaking Rules Publishing doesn’t charge you a fee to publish your book. We help and work with you to create a marketing plan. We do our best to get your books in bookstores in your area and across the country. Your book is sold proudly on our website as well as Amazon and Kindle. And … wait for it. We offer you a 70% royalty package after you sell 200 books and 30% before.

What we don’t do is publish your book and toss it in your lap. It makes sense for us to help you all that we can so that we, in turn, can make money as well.

So… you’ve published a book – now the work really starts.

You’ll need to –

Create more work
Create a marketing plan
Create more work
Schedule book signings and readings
Create more work
Go to festivals
Create more work
Give your work away to nonprofits as an auction item for fundraisers
ANYTHING you can to get the word out and sell that book!
And of course - Create more work.

Your most important task of the day? To think of yourself and your book as a business.




A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will go to help 
fund the BRP Young Writers Scholarship Fund.





Look to our website for more fantastic authors.


Monday, May 7, 2018

New Releases From Breaking Rules Publishing

Please join us as we celebrate the release of these new books for Breaking Rules Publishing authors.

Feather In The Straw by H. C. Iser - $15

Claire and Harvey agree to raise six orphaned children mistakenly dropped off at the wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary where they live and work; everything seems to be falling into place until Claire discovers that their ideal life isn’t what it seems. Soon they must overcome obstacles to discover the true meaning of a family, love that transcends boundaries. Feather In The Straw is inspirational with a slight element of suspense.

 The link to purchase this book is - 


Hope In The Dark - Shaun McCarthy - $10

I’ve been writing – spitting out my poetry, poem after poem for sixteen years, purging my soul of the atrocities in this society and the personal atrocities that have happened to me. The bullshit and trauma I’ve survived has left deep scars on my soul causing me tremendous pain and agony. I’ve been through shit most people only experience reading in a book or watching a movie to only have nightmares over. I had the only love that matters torn so heinously from my life and it broke me, and so I write deeply. I express myself darkly for my heart; my soul and mind are black most days and writing, the act of putting pen to paper is my light in a world of utter torment. I truly write to breathe. It’s a calming place where I can escape – it truly is my ‘hope in the dark.’

A warning to the reader – the thoughts and poetry of this writer are not for the faint of heart.

The link to purchase this book is - 


Midnight Horror Tales – by Cynthia Martinez - $15

Short Stories – Don’t close your eyes, better yet, don’t fall asleep! The tales in this book are no ordinary bedtime stories.

(Warning – Readers May Experience The Following: Sweat, Fear, Paranoia, Shakes Insomnia, or Hallucinations.)

These stories should not be read alone! The reader has been warned. 

The link to purchase this book is -


Breaking Rules Publishing Short Story Book Project – Book One - $15

Every three months Breaking Rules Publishing plans to put out a book of short stories from various artists. This is book one of the series. Book One, of our short stories, by five different authors, is a literary collection of eclectic views. Our list of authors for this book is – P. McCarthy – Wendell Thorne – Cynthia Martinez – Christopher Clawson and Danielle Fischen.

A portion of the proceeds from this book will be directed toward the Breaking Rules Publishing Young Writers Scholarship Fund. Thank you for your support. 

Link to purchase this book please go to - 


You can find these new books and more on our website at www.breakingruleswritingcompetitions.com 

Have you taken a moment to check out the most recent issue of  The Scribe or Horror magazines. The Scribe Magazine - October 2020 Issue $1...