Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Everything that is new

Hey Guys –

So today I wanted to talk to you about a few things that are happening at BRP.

First up –

The new issue of The Scribe Magazine. As you may or may not know, The Scribe is packed full of short stories, poetry, writing advice. Tales of writers and how they got started. Some marketing ideas – why you should be journaling – how to start a blog – even a podcast. We have a couple of permanent columns as well as advertise as many of our writers in inventory as the interior will allow. You can subscribe or buy the magazine outright. Just hit up our website at

Also – we are currently taking submissions for our November issue as well as a holiday issue in December. The great news is that come January 2020 – the magazine will be a monthly periodical.

Second –

We have decided to add a couple of new faces to the periodical department of BRP – which simply means that we are opening up two new magazines – Horror and Triangle Writers. Our hope is that the focus is obvious – if not then I’ll help you. Horror is just what you are thinking – any short story or poem that is in the Horror/Thriller/Paranormal genres. The second is Triangle Writers – for years the triangle has been associated with a safe place for the LGBT community. So we have put forth a new magazine that will house short stories and poems that are written by our about the LGBT community.

If you are looking to submit a story or poem to either of our three magazines, please email us at You can also pick up a copy on our website or certainly set up a subscription. These magazines are also going to be monthly starting in November.

Next UP –

We are currently planning our first of many 3 day writing retreats. The date is November 8th. We will have another in the Spring and Summer months. Keep an eye out. If you’re interested please feel free to contact us at or visit our website.

Join us for a 3 Day Writing Retreat in picturesque Sheffield, MA. The event will be held at the 1802 House - Bed and Breakfast in Sheffield.

The weekend will be filled with private and guided writing time, lectures, workshops, a field trips to the Herman Melville Museum, and the Norman Rockwell Museum. Attendees will also get a lovely one of a kind journal created by our artist in residence, David Rule, information on how to get published, editing and much more.

All meals, wine, and lodging are included in the price. Payment plans are available upon request.

Interested? Please email us at

3 Day Retreat - $50 non-refundable deposit
3 Day Retreat - Lodging – meals and wine included - $375
3 Day Retreat - Lodging Not Included but your meals and wine are - $275

And lastly –

We are now taking submissions for our 4th Short Story Book Project. The Deadline is Jan 15th – the release date is Feb 1st. Just in time for Valentine’s Day – and yep – you guessed it – the theme is

Love Is Love.

We are accepting short stories that are 30 pages or less – single-spaced and in a 8.5 x 11 format. No header – no footer and properly edited, please. All writers involved will receive a royalty package. A portion of the BRP proceeds will go to help fund the Roy Jeffers Scholarship Fund.

That should do it for now.

Thanks for stopping by.

As always, Breaking Rules Publishing is accepting submissions in all genres from writers around the world. Please email us at

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

New Things Are Coming -

Hey Everyone - 

I would like to take a moment thank you all for your participation, support and trust in Breaking Rules Publishing. 

To date, this has mostly been a one-man show. Since its inception, BRP has published 84 books from 72 authors from the US – Canada, Scotland, England, Germany, Czech Republic, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, China, Australia, India, and Jamaica. 

We have created a bi-monthly magazine, The Scribe (more about that later) and we will  be publishing our 4th Short Story Book Project book on Oct31st. 

We are offering editing services as well as cover art services. 

Thank you, David Rule, for the image for the cover image.

And on Nov 8th we will have our first 3 day writers retreat. And we have also just hired a little bit of help.

So - a lot has happened. But – there is more to do. We are hoping to reach the 100 mark with our books published, (so if you have any new submissions – we’re ready to hear from you again.) We will continue to create writing retreats and we have decided to take The Scribe to a monthly level added 2 new magazines to the mix. And will start to pay a small compensation for our short stories and poems published in the magazines.

Meet –

Horror – a monthly magazine dedicated to the genres of horror/thriller/paranormal. We will continue with the same formatting – short stories/poetry in this specific genre as well as add some helpful tips on writing – starting a blog – journaling etc. We already have a wonderful response and submission level and look forward to the first release date of Nov 1st. Thank you to Patty McCarthy for the encouragement and inspiration to form this magazine.

Meet –

Triangle Writers – a monthly magazine dedicated to the LGBT writers and or short stories and poetry. Like Horror and The Scribe, we will continue with the same formatting sticking with this focus. The genres are open to all – the themes just need to be LGBT based or written by LGBT writers. Thank you to David Rule for the image for the magazine cover.

As you know, the September issue of The Scribe is out and ready. It is one of our largest and most diverse issues. With the two new magazines in the works, you will all have more opportunities to submit your work. And because of the vast interest in these three magazines, we have decided to start to offer a small compensation for the stories and poems written. Please look to our website for additional information,

To that point – we are only able to pay for submissions if we sell magazines, get advertisements, and of course, we’ll need your help for that. You can do that in many ways. Purchase or subscribe to one or all of the magazines yourself. Promote the magazines on your social media to your friends and followers – share it on your social media groups – recommend it and let me know where in your communities I can place the magazines for better exposure.

Feel free to make your purchase of a subscription to the links below.

Subscription links -

To purchase The Scribe – September Issue.

And lastly – I have to announce the sad news that we have lost one of our most kind-hearted poets. Roy Jeffers was killed in a motorcycle accident this last week. Roy has 3 books of poetry and 1 short story. He also has many more books in the works and we are working with his family to see where they would like to go with them. In the meantime, Roy’s royalties will be donated to The Point Foundation and Kidspeace – two organizations dedicated to helping young people through advanced education. If you are a fan – consider purchasing one or more of Roy’s books. If you haven’t experienced the delight of a Roy Jeffers poem – I would highly recommend reading his work. He truly was a talented man. We, I, will miss him.

It seems that this is a week of bad news in the way of life and death issues. One of our children/young adult book writers, Debra Bellera, has been placed on life support. It seems that she has been suffering for some time and was just recently admitted for a heart condition. Debra is currently fighting her way back to us. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

I hate to end on a sad note so I would like to add that it has been my honor to work with each of you and I look to most of you as friends, if not family. Your support, trust, and understanding has meant the world to me.

Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you very soon.

Thanks for stopping by!


Breaking Rules Publishing continues to accept submissions in all genres from writers around the world. Please email us at



Have you taken a moment to check out the most recent issue of  The Scribe or Horror magazines. The Scribe Magazine - October 2020 Issue $1...