Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Have you taken a moment to check out the most recent issue of 
The Scribe or Horror magazines.

The Scribe Magazine - October 2020 Issue


The Scribe Magazine from Breaking Rules Publishing is full of short stories - poetry and helpful hints in regard to marketing your book - starting a journal and a blog. The lineup is below.

The Scribe Magazine Writer List

Brian Wagstaff – Wag – Chitra Gopalakrishnan – C. L. Sidell – Barrie Darke – E. E. King – Floris van Zyl – Frederick Pangborne – Harris Coverley – John D. Ashton – Kevin M. Folliard – Pedro Iniguez – Terry Groves – Timothy Wilkie – Elaine Rush

Authors from – the USA – United Kingdom – South Africa – Saba Island – Canada – India.

Horror Magazine - October 2020 Issue


The Horror Magazine from Breaking Rules Publishing is full of short stories - poetry and helpful hints in regard to marketing your book - starting a journal and a blog. The lineup is below.

Horror Magazine Writer List

Harris Coverley – Pedro Iniguez – Andrew Punzo – Chisto Healy – Dan Woessner – E. E. King – Ian Delacroix – Mike Radar – Joshua Campbell – Judith Baron – Nick Fletcher – Matthew Pendell – Peter Glazebrook – Robert Lupton – Timothy Wilkie – T. M. Brown – Katherine Widick - -Matthew Wilson – John Grey – Justin Zipprich

Authors from – the USA – United Kingdom – Saba Island – Italy – Australia – Canada - 


​Interested in being a contributing writer? Read below.

The Scribe, Someday and Horror - are 60 - 100 plus page magazines that feature articles and tools to assist in the success of the writers and readers that subscribe. It also offers writers, published authors and young writers the opportunity to share their work, promote their novels, short stories or poetry. To submit your short story or poems  please email us at pattymccarthy@breakingrulespublishing.com.

The submission deadline for ALL Magazines will always be the 1st of the prior month before release.
Send all of your submissions to pattymccarthy@breakingrulespublishing.com.

Submission Guidelines can be found under the "Guidelines" tab.

*If your short story is accepted for publication in any issue of any of our magazines, you may be asked for an Author Byline and a piece of artwork such as a picture that compliments your story.

Authors Submitting Articles - 
Articles submitted by writers for our magazines will  be paid .01 per word up to 500 words. As the magazines grow this policy will change and the amount will increase. If you are interested in advertising in the magazines please see the packages below. 

Purchasing An Ad within all magazines - 

Please email us at  info@breakingrulespublishing.com if you're interested in purchasing an ad.

The Scribe, Someday and Horror are available online as well in hard copy. They are sent out to all of our subscribers as well as placed in various locations throughout the country. We also share The Scribe, Someday and Horror and our advertisers on our social media sites.

For information about advertising and pricing for The Scribe, Someday and Horror, please look below. If you are interested in placing an ad please email us at info@breakingrulespublishing.com or use the link below to make your purchase now.

To secure a package or get additional information - email  info@breakingrulespublishing.com.

(Payments may be made in full or monthly/quarterly installments.)

Ad Size                              Monthly                      Six Months Or More             
Full Page                                  $100                                $600
3/4 Page                                   $75                                  $450 
Half Page                                  $50                                 $300      
Quarter Page                            $35                                 $210      
Business Card                          $25                                 $150

Attention Authors - Artists - Dancers - Musicians Promo

Authors - Artists - Dancers - Musicians Promo  Normally $50 but now $25 Per piece - From now until Dec 31, 2020 - we are offering this price for all magazines per issue.                                           
(Includes Book cover art - blurb about the book, author’s website and authors photo if desired)

If you are interested in writing 400 to 500 words to accompany your promo we will discount your ad purchase to $20. These 400-500 words could be anything from telling us about your artistic journey to additional information about your work. 

Promote your art opening - your CD release - dancer performances, your new book or book signing etc. 

Short Story Submissions - will be paid $.01 per word - per accepted submission
(Includes - up to 5,500 words, artwork for the story and an author photo if desired)

To submit your short story to The Scribe - Horror please email us at pattymccarthy@breakingrulespublishing.com.

Poetry Submissions - will be paid $10 - per accepted submission or more than 10 lines.
(Includes - up to 300 words, artwork for the poem and author photo if desired) 

All of the artwork on the front covers of The Scribe, Someday and Triangle Writers Magazine will be created by artist David Rule - created.rule

Sponsors will be placed throughout The Scribe, Someday and Horror Magazines individually, as well as placed on our website - promoted on our social media sites and at all events. To submit your poetry to The Scribe - Horror - please email us at pattymccarthy@breakingrulespublishing.com.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Danger Will Robinson - Cyber Bullying And What To Do.


Just a warning - 

Part of what is in my make-up and has flowed over into Breaking Rules Publishing is the desire to help people. The goal and mission statement is based on not only helping writers/authors get their books published but to also help them to market their books. Our hope is to bring some success to their dreams.

Our plan is to bring the writers together so that we can build a writing community where all of the members are communicating and supporting each other. Helping to market each other’s books.  It’s not something that everyone can get a handle on our even have the time for – but the thought and purpose are there.

To help with this we have created marketing groups and an Author Salon. The groups help to market each of the members – the Author Salon is meant to offer information – guest speakers and a chance to help each other.

However, every now and then someone with the wrong attitude, outlook, and lack of moral compass finds their way into a group meant to only to good. That person now is, Gary S. Kadet.

Many of you know the story, Mr. Kadet being rude and nasty to the members of the Author Salon. So much so that he had to be muted and then finally removed. Due to the reaction from several authors under our umbrella we had to downgrade Mr. Kadet’s books from being placed on the website – Amazon and Kindle – to being just a “publish on demand” book. Of course, he wasn’t happy about it and thought it best to keep him and remove those that felt threatened and remove them from our sites. Right off the bat, you can see that Mr. Kadet doesn’t feel that his behavior is out of line. He thinks that threatening to bring a lawsuit against Breaking Rules Publishing or emailing over 50 times in a matter of 2 days. Or the insults and threats on social media platforms are an appropriate thing to do. This situation continued for a couple weeks, a complaint to the BBB  and Yelp also appeared, and then, when he saw that his threats and harassing treatment weren’t going to get him anywhere, he sent me an email to request that we cancel his contract. We naturally jumped at the opportunity. At the time we also required that he sign a form that would require that he stop trashing BRP and their authors. Clearly, he doesn’t stand by his word.

Just recently I received a message from someone else that was being harassed by Mr. Kadet. The young man is a transgender author in CA, I should mention that Mr. Kadet is from RI and the suit was filed by Mr. Kadet. The court appearance was a restraining order – apparently, the two have been dueling on Twitter for a while. Not my business, but, Mr. Kadet stated that this young man was the reason he lost his contract with BRP. You already know why that ended. Little to say that in the court proceeds, Mr. Kadet lied to the judge, not knowing of course that I sent all of the emails he sent me – as well as social media posts – and of course his request to cancel his contract. The judge had it all and yet, he still tried to push his lies.

Yes, of course, he lost the case – but has decided that Breaking Rules Publishing, and me and all of the authors under the BRP umbrella are fair game. So he is aggressively posting negative statements about me, the company as well as posting fake and negative reviews about our authors books.

The reason why I’m telling you this is to request that you just not engage with him – and report any negative and suspicious reviews as well as any negative posts on your social media sites. But keep a record of any statements and interactions.

I also wanted you to know that there are about 60 other writers on Twitter that will be joining together to bring a lawsuit against Mr. Kadet. I will also be speaking to my lawyer myself to charge Mr. Kadet with a hate crime. As stated above – Mr. Kadet has focused his attention on women and members of the LGBT community. Basically, because he finds them weak.  So, simply put, I’ve had enough and also need to protect the business as well as all of our authors. It’s not enough that Mr. Gary S. Kadet is charged with a restraining order. He’ll just continue what he’s doing under factious names now, as you can imagine, he’s doing that now. So what’s to stop him from continuing on? Jail – he needs to be stopped and sent to jail. A hate-crime will do just that.

So again, please don’t engage the man. Let him dig his own hole and pull the dirt in after him.

I’m sorry to drop this in your lap, I’m sorry that he darkened our doorstep and I’m sorry to have brought this vile human being into our fold. I hope that you can forgive me. But – together we’ll fix this and send Mr. Gary S. Kadet packing.


Keep your eyes open – tempers low and we’ll all be fine.


Thank you again for your support and understanding.

Have you taken a moment to check out the most recent issue of  The Scribe or Horror magazines. The Scribe Magazine - October 2020 Issue $1...