Thursday, July 20, 2017

Aren't you tired of waiting yet?

Aren’t you tired of waiting yet?

So here’s the deal. You have this story rolling around in your head, so you got up at 5a and spent your early mornings, evenings and weekends just writing your book. You struggled with your day job, your family and friends, because you thought that you could, you wanted to, and knew that you had something to say, so you wrote. Even though no one thought that you could do it. Let alone get published.

After spilling your insides all over the pages in front of you, copying it over to your computer and going through the editing process, you think that you’re finally ready. That you have just written the next great American novel. And you just may have.

Next step – you hit the library and look up how to get your first book published. You take out all the books you can that are related to the subject, hoping that some of it would set in and you’ll be able to finally get your book published, make your first million, become famous and live the life you were born to.

What do you learn? Well, you learn that you need an agent and that you need to write a query letter to get an agent. So, back to the library to find out how to write this all powerful letter that will change your life. Again, you check out all the books that will show you how to get it done. And so, you sit down and start to write to all the agents that you’ve found online. And then, you wait.

While you’re waiting for a response, you start on another novel, you go back and edit the first one, hit the beach (because all great novels are written at the beach) you drink lots of coffee and run your fingers through your hair. Be careful you may just pull it out. AND, you search online trying to find more agents to send that all magical letter to. And still, you wait.

Ouch – you got 15 letters back all in one day. And guess what? They were all no’s! But you keep that positive attitude and continue to send those letters out. You even think that maybe it’s time to go directly to the publishers. Again you head back to the library to see what you can find out about what your letter should say to the publisher. In the mean time, more of those agent letters come back, and yep, they are all no’s. So you send out the publisher letter and hope that you’re able to connect with someone at Random House. That the person you connect with is going to be the one to help make all of your dreams come true.

And what happens next? Shit, SHIT, Shit! More no’s! So you try again and continue to send out letters, continue to write your next book and deal with all the negative attitudes around you. Unfortunately, the cycle goes on and on and on. Apparently never understanding that expecting a different result from the same action is the definition of insanity.

So I ask you. Aren’t you tired of waiting yet?

What Breaking Rules Publishing is offering you is for you to be a part of making your dreams come true. We are offering to partner with you to say, we’ll publish your book. We’ll work with you to get you a great marketing plan. We’ll get your books in the books stores and we’ll do all that we can to make sure that you and your book get out there and are sold. Together – did you hear that part? TOGETHER we will get it done.

Breaking Rules Publishing isn’t going to just publish your book and let it sit there. Tossing it back in your lap and saying, “here you go – you’re on your own now!” NO! We are here to help you and work with you to get your book and your dreams moving.

Why are we doing this? So here’s the story. Our founder, Christopher Clawson-Rule wrote his first book 16 years ago in just 3 months. Yes, he worked hard to get that done, and then he did exactly what every other author does. He started writing letter and continued to get no’s. He did this for six years until a publisher took him on. And guess what? They didn’t exactly what was mentioned above. Toss the book back at him and said, “here you go – you’re on your own now!” Oh and the great news, when he did sell his book, he only got about 20% of the price of the book back in royalties. Certainly not the millions that he was hoping for.

The notion that he had just published his book was amazing. Now, he was a writer, an author. He was excited and over the moon, thinking that he was going to start to make his millions. And like most, it didn’t happen. For years he continued to do the same, write, publish and try his best to market his work on his own. Then it all hit him. This entire publishing process was crap. And he didn’t want any other writer to have to go through the same situation that he did. To feel that same doubt and wonder when their break was going to come.

So here we are. Now WE are waiting. Waiting for you to send us your manuscript. We’ll help you format it, publish it, and help you market it. We are even turning the table on the royalties’ situation. We are offering you 30% back, after printing, until you reach your first 200 books. After that, you jump to 70%. If you’re not saying, “NOW WE’RE TALKING” then you’ve missed the point.

And here boys and girls is my last SO – So, aren’t you tired of waiting? Aren’t you tired of writing all those letters? Aren’t you tired of getting all the no’s back and aren’t you tired of putting your dreams on hold?

Take the leap – send us your manuscript and let’s get started making that dream of yours come true.

Breaking Rules Publishing is now accepting manuscript submissions.

Need help? Just get in touch with us and we’ll do all that we can to help you out.

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