Thursday, July 26, 2018

Six Steps To Selling Your Book!

Hey Guys –

Just thought that maybe I would shoot out a few ideas to help you sell your book. You would think that they are simple and obvious, but you’d also be surprised how many people don’t know how to use the tools that they have. READ ON!

6 Steps to Selling Books! 

· Do You have a social media presence? Well, you need one.  Social media – Social media – Social media - lets authors engage directly with readers, other writers and build a following of loyal fans from all over the world. Learn to use it daily. Post and share your events, your book, what you’re writing, what you think about writing, what you like to write about. The main thing that you should do – USE SOCIAL MEDIA – and learn to use it well.

· Your email list is king. Update your email signature to include a link to your book. A book link in every email is a must for any author wanting to gain more attention for their book. If you have a website – use your email list to guide people there. People don’t like to work or read too much – you have to help them and put the simplest of information in front of them.

· Get the acting bug and do more videos. 

Putting yourself in front of the camera on your phone never killed anyone. Besides, it puts a face to a name and gets you closer to your followers. Video is huge. Not good on camera? PRACTICE... Consider doing Facebook Live videos during your next book promotion event or author gathering and monitor the engagement. You don’t have to be a star – you just have to put it out there. And like riding that bike, or, WRITING, the more you do it the better you’ll get.

· Build an email list. You need a list – so – Build a list. Seriously. This is the most important way to stay in front of your fans and keep them up-to-date with your book promotions. Offer a free service, a free book, a portion of the book or short story. Anything that will get people interested in you and read your work. By doing that, you’ll get a way to stay in touch with them and be able to send more messages to them about your work. Remember – this shouldn’t be your only book, hopefully, you’ll write more.

· Give away portions of your book. You don’t have to give away the bank, but an easy give away will bring people running. Or your entire book (for a limited time). This is a great way to build brand awareness, build up your email list, and keep your readers wanting more! (WE love free stuff)

· Network with other authors. They are not your enemy – they should be your friend.  Reaching out and networking with other, similar authors, is not just good business, but can help you brainstorm new ideas. Plus, you’ll get a chance to see what others are doing that’s working (and what’s not working), and most likely expand your knowledge! There are so many Facebook groups that are full of writers that are in the same place as you. Reach out to them and learn from them. If they have started to build a wheel, help them and they’ll help you with your own wheel.

I hope that this helps and also offers questions and a desire to learn more about marketing your book.

Thanks for stopping by.

Christopher Clawson Rule

Friday, July 20, 2018

Here are some new titles - check them out!

Hey Guys - We are always looking for new titles - so if you have a manuscript that is ready to go - give us a call.

For now - check out some new titles that have just come across the BRP desk.

You can find these and many more titles on the Breaking Rules Publishing website -

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Dreams Can Come True!

Keep the Dream Alive.

Money. Isn't that where it always starts and ends. So many dreams are lost due to this little five letter word. And we shouldn't forget about "Peer Pressure."

The fact that people lose sight of their dreams because of money, family, friends, responsibilities and yes, guilt, is one of the saddest realities we have.

Here's a story - My father and I were far from close. We rarely spoke, about anything. I didn't know him well and he certainly didn't know me. When I was in my second year of college at Jackson Community College, I should mention that my major was dance, and I was good, so good that I was in 9 of the 11 performances at the year-end dance concert. My father stayed home.

The next year I transferred to New York University, and as luck would have it, I choreographed a piece for the Bi-Weekly show that they presented. My parents, yes including my father, flew out to NYC, from Michigan, to watch me dance for three minutes. Yes, I was happy that they showed. And amazed that he was there. I never understood why he would show up for one and not the other, but hey, he showed. And yes, I went on to dance and did well. But because of parental pressure and illness, I came home.

One Dream Lost!

Next up - I found a love of writing and then created a dream to write a book. Long story short - four books and four short stories later, I now have two more books coming out this year as well as have my own publishing company.

The rod in the cog - yep it's there.

The question is, will I allow this rod to actually stop the cogs from turning.

The answer?


The theme of this blog - Never give up on yourself or your dreams. 

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. 

- Steve Jobs

Have you taken a moment to check out the most recent issue of  The Scribe or Horror magazines. The Scribe Magazine - October 2020 Issue $1...