Wednesday, June 26, 2019

What's Your Story? By Guest Blogger Manda Jones

Welcome Guest Blogger - 
Manda Jones

What’s your story? 

Honestly consider the question for a moment. What life event or moment in time sticks with you? Whose life could benefit if you told your raw, firsthand account?

That is our purpose!

Manda & Friends is dedicated to giving a voice to the voiceless! Every person who wants to share their firsthand experience. Every human experience is vast and no two alike. We do not have a cap on the topics we will cover. Your human experience matters and you are welcome to contribute to the Manda & Friends blog, at no charge.

Why are we doing this? Because we have done it. We have told parts of our story; some we are not ready to tell. Time will tell if we ever are. Also, because we cannot count how many times, we have been going through something or trying to educate ourselves on something personal or medical and just want a firsthand account, but they seem a rare breed. So many things we just want to hear from someone who has actually been there. So, we share. We also share to break #stigmas. That is our why. #asksomeonewhoknows

Manda & Friends also believe that living in reality; telling stories of what life is really like can do nothing but benefits society and shift focus!

We were called to action when Manda had a complete breakdown, collapsing under the weight of her responsibilities and medical issues. It was a traumatizing experience. While exiting the hospital Manda’s husband and business partner Jason turned to her and said, “This is the story you need to tell!”

So, Manda did. First on their company’s blog Then Manda finally got a hold of the 300 pages of medical records and decided to write a short story on her 72-hour experience and what followed in the months after. Manda’s Life: Volume One is available on Amazon. For a signed copy you can email Manda Jones and

If you are ready to tell your story and claim #brave please contact Manda & Friends at to get started! The experts at Manda & Friends will guide you through the process of posting to our blog. You are free to be as public or as private as you wish regarding revealing your identity.
If at any time you are ready to move on to the next step and write a short story or perhaps even your entire story, Manda & Friends offers unique publishing consulting services.
Written by: Manda Jones, Editor in Chief & CEO of Manda & Friends LLC

Make sure that you look for Manda Jones on Facebook as well as her book on Amazon.

Breaking Rules Publishing continues to accept submissions in all genres from writers around the world. Simply email us at

Thank you to Manda Jones for being a guest blogger, and thank you for stopping in.

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