Friday, January 3, 2020

Happy New Year

The New Year makes us all start to look inward, trying to find that inner peace, the calmness, and direction that you hear so much about but rarely see. It also brings us the need to set goals and challenges, resolutions and good intentions. As creatives, and be honest with yourself, we tend to overextend and overreach. Looking for all the possibilities without the reality of life as a backdrop.

Suggestion –

Keep your 2020 goals small and reachable. If by chance you happen to write those three books by the end of August, keep going and start another. No one said that you had to stop just because you made it to the end.

Meaning  -

The goals you set now are or should be, meant to be reached. Thinking that you’re going to write a book a month, well, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Reaching your goals before your deadline offers you a chance to set a new goal. So give yourself a break a set yourself up for success and a reachable goal for 2020.

Breaking Rules Publishing Goals –

- To reach 250 titles on the website before the year’s end.
- Create a calendar for three writing retreats a year.
- Grow the subscription and sponsorships for The Scribe – Horror and Triangle Writers magazines.
- Grow the Scholarship Program to help writers get the tools that they need to succeed.
- Create writing competitions for all ages.
- Create/expand on our writing community and try to get all of our writers to see that together we’re much more powerful than we are alone.

Lofty goals? I don’t think so. We have 365 days to figure it out and we already have some plans put in place so we just need to continue and expand on them. Now it’s just a matter of follow-through.

Breaking Rules Publishing’s Missionis to be the writer's publisher, create a writing community, and provide encouragement, resources, competitions, and inspiration to writers, both young and not so young, at any writing level.

Breaking Rules Publishing Goalsis to help any writer who has hopes to see and learn from others, as well as possibly become published.

What Drives Breaking Rules PublishingWriters that get lost in their own imagination, topics, and characters. Writers that have the nerve to look beyond, offer what they have within and are willing to break the rules. 

What drives you?

Breaking Rules Publishing continues to accept submissions in all genres from writers around the world. Please email us at or visit our website at 

Learn more on the Breaking Rules Publishing website -

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Have you taken a moment to check out the most recent issue of  The Scribe or Horror magazines. The Scribe Magazine - October 2020 Issue $1...