Monday, June 19, 2017

So you wrote a book - now what?

Okay - so you're like a little kid, excited and over the moon about publishing your book. Now what?

Here Are Some Ideas For Marketing Your Book - Because My Friend - It's All On YOU!
So you’ve written a book, and now you’re wondering what to do next. Basically, step two is - you must market your book. To succeed in this noise-filled, content - saturated market, you seriously need to stand out from the crowd and away from all the other writers. Marketing will help your book slice through the chatter and reach the audience you’re looking for. Here are some ideas and common marketing practices.

It's not going to get done this way. Nice try though. 

                                                                                                        You Need Content
Every marketing campaign, no matter for what needs content. First, authors need to create a press release for their book. But a press release by itself does not constitute a marketing campaign. In addition, you need to create press kit material. You should prepare an author bio and a book summary. In addition, choose excerpts from your book that will showcase it. Also, prepare a list of interview questions. All these elements from the press kit. With this specialized material ready to go, it’s time to think about distribution.
Online Marketing - The Internet Is Your Friend.
Okay, so maybe you won't be sweating this bad, but, the pressure is still there to succeed. Beyond your website that should offer a virtual press kit and beyond sending out a press release electronically, authors need to be involved in social networking on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Give potential readers information about your book, as well as guides on how to purchase it. Share quotes from the book or stories of funny things that happened while writing it. Online marketing also includes reaching out to bloggers and other interested parties for reviews. Check out Self-Publishing Review (SPR) for a site devoted to news and reviews of self-published books. SPR also has links to many sites that review self-published books.
                                                    Print Marketing 
The reality is that we're not all famous writers. We don't have a bank account to match our egos and we don't have the big publishing houses beating down our doors or blowing up our phones. But we still need to look like it. Authors still have to sell, believe it or not, they still have to sell copies of their books. You'll need to assemble press kits to offer to local, regional and national media, as desired. These kits should only be sent out when specifically requested to keep costs at a minimum. Promotional materials, such as postcards and bookmarks, can also help authors get the word out about their books. Such promotional materials can be especially useful at book events, book fairs, and signings.
Local vs. National
It’s important to know the market for your book, as well as what fits your personal style, remember it is still you on the page and the back cover for that matter. It's important not to lose your voice. Successful marketers think about their reading audience. A local or grassroots kind of marketing should start with your own network. You should also seek media coverage on local radio stations, TV stations, and in newspapers. Reach out to people you know with the hope of turning them into a kind of adjunct sales force. National marketing campaigns are about reaching millions at once. If your book has global significance and is newsworthy, it needs the press. Using a fee-based service like PRWeb or PRNewswire is a way to reach a large audience at one fell swoop. Or, you might consider fee-based, national advertising through Facebook.                                 
                                                              Books Signings And Events
And don't kid yourself. As glamorous as this seems, it's never easy. Events can also be part of marketing plans. Most authors hold a book launch. A launch provides an opportunity to get the word out about your book. Many authors partner with non-profits and hold events in local bookstores and museums. Such events can generate media coverage and, in turn, create publicity for a book. Authors also participate in signings, conferences, book fairs, and non-profit benefits. All of these events can generate press for your book.

We hope that this has been helpful.

Thanks for stopping by.

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